Symbol Graphics

Software that "Works like Signmakers Think"


The software that works like signmakers think!"  Letter-Art for Windows 95/98/2000/ME/NT/XP has the power, features and speed your company needs to produce professional results in all shapes and sizes.  Pop up tips and keyboard interaction make Letter-Art the easiest signmaking program to learn and the fastest to use.  In production since 1985, Letter-Art has consistently provided signmakers with up-to-date software ready to meet the challenging and competitive demands of professional signmaking.

Two versions, BASE and FULL allow the user to determine just how many "bells and whistles" they need.

Letter-Art BASE is for users with basic signage requirements.  This entry level package includes 55 ready-to-cut precision fonts.  Outside resources (such as CorelDraw and CAD programs) can be utilized and .EPS, .PLT, .DXF, and .AI files can be imported, taking advantage of existing design tools.
  See BASE Fonts.

Letter-Art FULL includes 100+ fonts, incorporates scanning and raster/vector editing, inlining and outlining text and graphics, welding, distortions, and compounded graphics.  Starting with a business card, a table napkin, a fax or fine drawing, scanning makes it easy to incorporate your customer's graphics, a real sign-making bonus.  Scan "rough" or hand drawn designs and convert them into quality line work within minutes!  See FULL Fonts.

Be sure to check out "Features and Benefits" for more information on BASE and FULL versions.

Whether you are exploring new signmaking business opportunities, or are considering a change for the better, Letter-Art remains the software of choice for signmakers!
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